Hugo Vanderstichele (° 1960)
I have experience in the translation of (protein) biomarkers from concept to clinical value, including but not limited to:
target identification, technology selection, and prototyping
protein assay development, qualification, and validation
project management (incl. quality control and problem solving)
clinical utility evaluation
(early) market integration (incl. registration)
In 2011, I have founded BIOMARKABLE bvba and co-founded ADx NeuroSciences.
- I obtained my PhD degree at the University Hospital in Gent (Belgium) as an endocrinologist (Study on the clinical relevance of steroid metabolism in the brain).
- I am involved in world-wide efforts to qualify and standardize biomarker protein assays (e.g., ADNI, AIBL, CPAD, JPND, MJ Fox Foundation).
- I am a (principal) investigator in several multi-center projects.
I’m looking forward to initiate a successful collaboration and bring higher value to your ideas.